Friday, October 23, 2015

Dresden Files Books ~ A New Favorite

A friend likes a lot of the same type books I do and kindly passes them on to me when he is finished reading them.  The last batch had a slew of Jim Butcher's Dresden File Books.

I love a good mystery and these are very good, well written, fast moving and you really don't want to put them down.  Harry Dresden is a wonderful character and he's got a sarcastic humor I love.  Harry is a wizard living in Chicago and fights bad guys of the paranormal kind such as vampires, werewolves, demons and such.

The first book was not in my stash but I am reading the rest in order and am currently reading Dead Beat.

I have not seen the tv series but you can find it on YouTube.  I may watch it after I am done reading.  If you like mysteries and paranormal stuff then you would probably like this series

I usually prefer the books to movies or tv shows but there are exceptions.  Cadfael is certainly one of those.  I really wish they had done all the Brother Cadfael novels and not just 9.  Derek Jacoby is perfect as Cadfael and I can't read the books with seeing him and hearing his voice.
Poirot is another favorite that was well done into a tv series and no one is more Poirot than David Suchet.

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