Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Pascha, Easter & Passover

Christ is Risen, Indeed He is Risen!
These are pictures of lillies from last year as they are not blooming yet this year, but being as they are the traditional Easter plant, I thought I would share.
And here are some flowers that are blooming right now!
These are really purple, not blue, but they always come out blue in the photos and I can't seem to color correct them.
I love the 3 petals each flower has.  These are a variety of spiderwort.
The yarrow is blooming in about 4 locations with lots of babies sprouting.  I just love these.  I am going to make a tincture this year as yarrow is good for wounds. 
Hope everyone is having/had a wonderful Easter or Pascha or Passover.

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