Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Economizing Measures ~ Keeping Your Cool Part 2

More money saving options for keeping cool in summer months.

Use light blocking shades or film on your windows to keep out the hot sun. 
I have also seen where you can mist water and stick up bubble-wrap as an insulator, 
of course this may not be feasible if your neighbors complain or if you can't afford the 
bubble wrap.  Check dumpsters at furniture stores or ask inside if they have bubble 
wrap they are throwing out.

I have read where window A/C units are much more efficient than central air. 
I have a small unit in the bedroom because we had some trouble with the central air 
and it took some time to get it repaired. Because of that experience I can say I 
believe the statement I read is true up to a point. If you are only cooling 1 or 2 rooms
I think it is cheaper, but if you need to cool the entire house and the house is large 
then it is probably not. And don't forget to close off vents and rooms that are not being 
used to save a little more.

And when I lived those 9 years without A/C I had my own way to keep cool, 
use someone else's! I would spend time at the library or walk the mall, 
window shopping only, LOL
Visit friends who can afford to run their A/C. Go outside and play in the sprinkler!
Or play in your neighbor's sprinkler if you need to save water. Many communities 
have a pool available also at no charge.

If you have more frugal tips to save on the A/C bill, please comment below!

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