Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Economizing Measures ~ Cheaper Means of Entertainment ~ Reading

Reading is a favorite pastime and if you have actually looked at the price of a 
paperback novel in the grocery or book store you have probably gasped as I have.  
I have not bought a book at regular price in many years, mainly because there are 
so many cheaper ways to purchase them.

First of all, if you are just going to read a book once, then the library is your best 

place to go. It's also a great place to check out a book you may want to purchase, 
such a reference book. And if they don't have what you want on the shelf, they will 
have it sent over from another branch.

Check out the used bookstores in your area, many will also buy books you may no 

longer want.  Less expensive sources are the thrift shops like Goodwill and any 
number of charity resale shops.

Yard sales are great especially at the end of the day when you may get a box full of 

books for a dollar or two, or even free.  You can always sell what you don't want or 
donate them.  

Reading books online is also a free source from Google and other places.  Some 
universities have ancient and extremely rare works available online and/or for download.

One last source for free reading material is to borrow from friends, but ALWAYS 

remember to return the book in the condition you received it and do it promptly.  You 
may keep a friendship this way.

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