I did not have a frame the correct size for St Nicholas so I went out on Saturday to the thrift stores. All but one were closed and the one that was open had nothing the right size. Being cheap, errmm... frugal, I opted to wait until next Saturday to go look for a frame.
However I have been working on a design for a new project even though I won't start it until my UFOs are done.
This is a graph I colored for a Trip Around the World quilt. My Nana called them postage stamp quilts. My squares will be 2" after seams so they will be a bit bigger than a postage stamp.
My goal is to use all different fabrics except for the white squares I want to be beige. 3 color values, medium/light-dark-beige. I planned it with the cross shape in the center to be different.
I've already purchased some civil war and 1930's fabric squares as I wanted that old time feel, like someone saved a square from every piece of clothing from several generations. The design shows solid color squares but all the fabric will be prints except for the beige.
I'm planning an approximate 6" border but have no idea what kind to do. Please give me your opinions on that. Could be solid strips, could be more squares set off by a strip between the body and border, lots of options.
For quilting I planned to do a simple X pattern through the squares...unless someone has a better idea?
Another way to quilt it would be to stitch-in-the-ditch. I guess you could do stippling (all over quilting) which is all the rage in quilting circles these days, but I am not a fan. I think your idea of an 'x' in the center of each block is tons better than stippling.
Are you thinking of three 2-inch borders that are mitered at the corners? Or just one border would look pretty interesting. Or a 2-inch inside border (in a light color) with a 4-inch (darker) outside border with mitered corners or reverse the two shades. I can not see corner-stones in the border for this quilt.
Have fun, it will be beautiful no matter what you do!
I haven't really decided yet how I will do the border. One of my stitching friends at Tuesday Stitchers has suggested to wait until I'm nearly done with the top to make that decision and I think she's right. I'll have a better idea once it starts going together.
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