Sunday, September 2, 2012

Pepsi Started Out as Medicine

Our TAST stitch for the week was sheaf stitch which I usually call wheat sheaf, a great accent and fill in stitch.  I worked the top half of my design in the regular manner and played with an alternate for the bottom half.

I like both versions.  Instead of just doing satin stitch for 'Pepsi' I utilized the holes in the aida cloth to space the lines out giving it a completely different look.

Pepsi-Cola was invented by Caleb Bradham on August 28, 1898 as a digestive aid.  It had pepsin in it.  Years later when he sold the company the recipe was changed to just be a soda fountain drink.  Wish they still made the original recipe, there are times I could really use it!

Nana (my maternal grandmother) loved Pepsi and always kept the glass bottles of it in the crisper drawer in her fridge.  Always a treat for me after I had mowed her lawn or shared with her in the evening along with a peanut butter sandwich.
Just for fun, here's the history of the logos.

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