Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Economizing Measures ~ Save on Back to School Supplies

It's that time again to stock up on school supplies. Even with tax free weekends now including supplies it can get fairly pricey. If you are on a budget and need some alternate solutions to shopping at your local mega mart, stay with me.

Let's try free. FREE! OK, I probably have your attention now. 

Check over the school supplies left from last year. Get crafty. Could the binders and
notebooks from last year do just fine with maybe a coat of paint or a new cover? Decoupage paper, photos, fabric, stickers, just about anything to an existing binder. If you don't have mod podge, try watered down white glue, but if you are dealing with plastic use Mod Podge. Have your children draw or color on paper bags, butcher paper orany scrap paper and use that. Add glitter, sequins, etc., etc., etc.

Check your paper supply, you might still have some hidden away. Pens and pencils can sometimes be gotten free at local businesses, just don't grab a handful, play nice. Banks are a good place for pens, check yours.  Of course that means you need to go in not just do a drive thru trip.

You might also join for your local area and ask if anyone
has what you need.  After free, low cost is best. Check yard sales and thrift shops. One near
me always has a plethora of binders, file folders and other office type stuff that will work just as well for school supplies. Don't pass by the binders with printed business names, just get creative. If you don't see it, ask. They may have pens and pencils, crayons and such where children can't get to them and you can't see them. Sometimes you can get them for free if you are in need.

The same thrift stores are a great place to look for school clothes too. And if you are handy at sewing, try clothes a bit too large and alter them or cut apart an adult item to remake for a child. This is probably easier for girls' skirts than anything else. Shoes, backpacks and lunch coolers can all be found at these places too.

You may not find everything you need for free or at the yard sales and thrift shops but it never hurts to look and it could knock a chunk off your bill at the local big box store.

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