Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Economizing Measures ~ Banish the Vampires!

No, not your favorite movie vampires....electricity vampires!

I had just received my newest electricity bill (Oct 2009) and it was half what it was the past year at the same time, less than $70.  Why?   I can only put it down to the fact I was using less electricity in 3 areas.

One was not using the dryer.  The other things were putting the computer to sleep when not in use and only turning on the powerstrip for the DVD player and TV when I was actually watching a movie

Here's your guide to things that suck electricity like vampires suck blood even when not in use.  If it has a light that stays on or a clock that stays lit up even if you don't have it turned on or if it is run by a remote.  In my house it was the TV, DirecTV box, DVD player, clock/radio which I need for the alarm, microwave, window a/c unit, stove, power strips and battery chargers for phone, camera and weedeater.

Power strips are easy to just switch off when not in use.  The a/c unit can be unplugged when not needed, and unplugging chargers when they are done. 

So if you want to save some bucks on the electric bill, turn off and unplug.  One of the easiest ways is to plug stuff into a power strip and then when you're done using the stuff, just flip the off switch.   I can't promise your bill will be cut in half, but if you put up a clothesline as well it just might!

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