Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Down to the Edge

I'm down to about 4 inches of quilting around the edge of the quilt.  In fact I did about a 3 foot length Monday night after I took this picture.
In this photo I folded the backing at the quilt edge so it's easy to see the last bit I need to finish quilting.  This is a full size bed quilt so I should have no trouble finishing it this month, and then I can move on to another project, YAY!

It was so warm I had to turn my fan on high to keep my hand that was underneath from sweating.  Spring is definitely here on the Gulf Coast, 80 degrees the last couple of days.


Claudia said...

Oh, I understand how you feel - 3 more rows of blocks and then the edges and I'm done with my quilt, too! Good for you!


MunirGhiasuddin said...

Tomorrow is supposed to be the first day of spring and we had big thick snow flakes this afternoon. Just about four inches.
I would like to start a family quilt using a little piece of cloth from clothes that my elders used to wear.

A Quilt Repair While I Was On Vacation

 I went to visit my parents for a month and while I was there I repaired a quilt. Sorry the image is not very good, it was taken with my pho...